Opportunities for free/funded activities & opportunities with Space to Breathe

We are often contacted to ask what opportunities we have to support people which are free to access or funded. This page summaries all the current opportunities and gives you access to referral details. Scroll down to find more, or use these navigation buttons.


We have opportunities until the end of December 2024 for individuals to access wellbeing support, either in 1:1 sessions or groups. This support gives people the opportunity to access support in:

  • learning wellbeing techniques

  • accessing a regular Wellbeing and Safe space group (Wednesday afternoons)

  • an online monthly Mindfulness group (last Wednesday of the month at 12.30pm)

  • Yoga Nidra sessions

  • accessing Space to Breathe training days

  • Wellness Recovery Planning courses

  • being given free access to our Wellbeing Suite

This opportunity is particularly open to people who might otherwise struggle to access support, who have barriers to accessing help (e.g. language, context) or who are otherwise being discharged and need some ongoing support.

You can find details of the groups below and use the button to access the referral form.

Positive Activities is a Project funded by South Yorkshire Housing Association, Changing Futures, Sheffield DACT and Sheffield Council and we are so grateful for their support. You can find out more about the other projects here or download the list of services here.

10:4 Campaign

We are currently raising money to provide focused support to people in the Sheffield area, sharing four key wellbeing techniques which we’ve consistently found have helped people.

These techniques are:

The four tools we’d share are:

  • Learning adapted breathing exercises help people ground themselves and see the wood for the trees when life is tough.

  • Learning self-awareness tools enable worries and stresses to move from elusive to known and enables strategies to be built.

  • Learning ways to gain perspective help create realistic and possible routes to recovery.

  • Learning to establish a sense of purpose an hope give people the emotional energy to face the future.

People accessing support would:

  • Gain access to a simple set of resources which help people know, try and practice these tools

  • One-to-one in person support with individuals to help contextualise these tools into their own lives.

  • Group sessions around these four tools to help build rhythms and routines of self-care and listen to their needs and concerns at the different moments in their journey of getting better.

To refer someone use the form below.


During the course of the last ten years, a series of studies have noted the increased stresses on frontline workers involved in caring, healthcare or mental health work. Increases in burnout, higher prevalence of stress/anxiety or the specific pressures involved in giving out to others have all been identified (NHS/Mental Health Foundation.)

During the pandemic we worked hard to support key workers and then in 2023/24 we worked with Voluntary Action Sheffield and Compassionate Sheffield to run a series of free-to-access wellbeing activities and support. This project has ended but we still have free to access support which may help you.

You can find details of what’s going on in our events section ( or click on these upcoming events below)

One other element we want to explore to offer one-to-one support. 71% of you saw this as a crucial service to offer. This one-to-one offer is informal but our plan is to be able to offer help either through a one-off wellbeing session or through a series of coaching or counselling sessions. If this would be something that would help you or a colleague, you/they can complete an expression of interest below at the end of this article.


We also wanted to publicise the Health and Wellbeing Hub, enabled by the ICB but with services which are available to anyone working in the Voluntary Sector. Check out the page by using the button below or clicking on the image. These pages include resources, advice, webinar recordings and also advertise a 24 hour helpline - 0330 380 0658 - which you can access.