Try this reflection …

It can be done anywhere and involves embracing yourself in your surroundings. Wherever you are, be aware of your body and how it connects to where you are. This could be your feet on the ground. Your bottom on a seat. Your back against a tree. Be aware of your body as it connects.

How does it feel?

Be aware of your head, neck, spine, legs, feet. Are you holding any stress or pressure? Be aware of it and, if you can, relax it. Breathe deeply and allow calm to settle.

This reflection is about you being present. Be you in this moment, in contact with your surroundings. Notice the sounds around you. Feel the wind in your face or the sun on your face. You are alive and you are part of this world. Because of that, you matter. You feel, think and are involved. Other things and people depend on you.

Use this reflection to learn how to be present in a moment.

What do you feel? Is that feeling happy or sad? What are you experiencing right now? What things are stopping you from being present (worries, pain, tiredness)?

Breathe out and let them go.

Make a conscious effort to be present today.